A Kubernetes webhook is an automated mechanism that allows you to intercept and manage API requests sent to the Kubernetes API server before they are processed.

In this project we have leveraged them to intercept the pods being created in a given namespace(s) (in this case in the OpenWhisk one, so that pods associated to functions are intercepted) and associate them different schedulers as well as making improved decisions about their collocation by injecting affinities/antiaffinities to them.

How to deploy it

  • First build the image of the webhook (or use the one I already created at and push it to your repo:
podman build -t .
podman push
  • Create the CA and certificates
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -subj "/CN=Admission Controller Webhook PHYSICS CA"

openssl genrsa -out webhook-server-tls.key 2048

openssl req -new -key webhook-server-tls.key -subj "/CN=physics-admission-controller.physics-infra.svc" | openssl x509 -req -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out webhook-server-tls.crt
  • Create the physics-admin namespace
kubectl create namespace physics-infra
  • Create the TLS secret or copy the information into the 002-webhook-secret.yaml
kubectl create secret tls physics-admission-controller-secret --key=webhook-server-tls.key --cert=webhook-server-tls.crt -n physics-infra
  • Add the caBundle to the MutatingWebHookConfiguration
cat ca.crt | base64
(copy output)
vi 004-webhook.yaml (replace ADD_CA_BUNDLE with the copied base64 ca.crt)
  • Create the resources:
kubectl apply -f 001-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f 002-webhook-secret.yaml (only if tls secret not created in
previous step)
kubectl apply -f 003-admission-controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f 004-webhook.yaml

How to use it

To make it less intrussive, the webhook only applies to pods created in certain namespaces. This namespaces must be labelled with the label stated at the namespaceSelector on 004-webhook.yaml. If not modified, physics-webhook: enabled.

So, to make the webhook to apply in the pods created in a certain namespace you need to edit it and add that label.

oc edit namespace NAMESPACE_NAME

Once that is done, you need to state in the pods what scheduler to use, if different from the default. This is done by adding an specific annotation:

  • With the key speficied at the 003-admission-controller when starting the webhook_sever, by default physics-scheduler (option --scheduler-label=physics-scheduler)
  • With the value of the scheduler to use. For instance, if the scheduler name is energy-aware, the pod must be annotated as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    *physics-scheduler: energy*
    run: test
  name: test
  namespace: physics-infra
  - image: kuryr/demo
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: test

Then, you can simply create your pod as check the schedulerName is set accordingly:

kubectl create -f pod.yaml
kubectl get pod test -o yaml | grep schedulerName
  schedulerName: energy-aware

Owner: Red Hat


License: Apache-2.0 license

Release Date: 13/09/2023

Field of use: Kubernetes Schedulers, affinity and antiaffinity rules

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