Cluster Onboarding
Knative source to sink service to trigger steps upon cluster (OCM) registration.
The steps to deploy it are:
- Create the namespace, sa, role and role binding:
oc apply -f deploy/001-namespace.yaml
oc apply -f deploy/002-rbac.yaml
- Deploy the sink application handling the events:
oc apply -f deploy/003-secret.yaml # update the secret yaml file accordingly
oc apply -f deploy/004-sink.yaml
Note you need to change the container image by the one where your actual sink is located
- [optional] instead of deploying a normal Kubernetes service/deployment, there is an option to deploy a knative service too, so that the application is scaled to 0 when not used, since cluster registration is sporadic action and this could lead to saving resources
oc apply -f deploy/003-secret.yaml # update the secret yaml file accordingly
oc apply -f deploy/004b-sink.yaml
- Create the knative ApiServerSource by running the commant:
kn source apiserver physics-apiserversource \
--namespace physics-cluster-registration \
--mode "Resource" \
--resource "ManagedCluster:v1" \
--service-account physics-cr-sa \
--sink http://cluster-registration.physics-cluster-registration.svc.cluster.local
# or --sink ksvc:cluster-registration
or directly create the CRD if created with 003b-sink option (knative service)
oc apply -f deploy/005-apiserversource.yaml
Logic for the application
- Receive the notification event about a new cluster being registered
- Obtains the cluster name
- Deploy a specific application and service in the remote cluster
- Get the IP of the service and call the RF with the cluster name and the service IP
Create a container from the application at cluster-registration folder
To build the a new image of the sink application, just run:
$ docker build -t -f Dockerfile .
Push the image to your registry
$ docker login -u myuser
$ docker push
Owner: Red Hat
License: Apache-2.0 license
Release Date: 13/09/2023
Field of use: DevOps for Kubernetes Cluster onboarding.